Author: Malik Asad Sharif

Asad is professional content writer of tech industry and having four years of experience in top notch tech writing services. Asad sharif is also the chief editor of Appexil Digital Agency and Infomest. Now he is working with the to boost up with high-quality content which add value for users.

It CTEM has been hailed by analysts as the next generation to more common VM programs. CTEM is required due to the ever-evolving threats in the IT systems environment. It’s also fluid since over 50 new CVEs are inputted on a daily basis, and threat actors begin to probe the vulnerability within 15 mins of the disclosure. In today’s threat environment and with respect to more advanced and resourceful threat actors. Organizations often have no idea of the extent of their exposure on the Internet and which hosts, systems, services, or applications are insecure or misconfigured. In this article we…

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AI TRiSM is a framework used for AI model governance, trust, audacity, equity and productivity as well as data security. This technology trend sheds light on possible risks that might be associated with the use of AI models as well as directions for managing those risks. AI TRiSM is particularly appropriate for generative and adaptive AI models that that make up new and unforeseen content in response to inputs given from the environment. That they can produce undesirable societal, legal and ethically questionable results. The previously mentioned AI TRiSM can be advantageous for organizations applying AI Models in a variety…

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Quantum generative adversarial networks also known as QGANs are a new class of Quantum machine learning algorithms. That combine the efficiency of quantum computers with generative adversarial training. QGANs shall learn from a specified quantum data set of quantum states, measurements, circuits or opt to generate other quantum data. The specific uses of QGANs may include quantum simulation, quantum metrology, quantum cryptography. And quantum error correction in quantum information, science, and technology. What QGANs are and how they operate? QGANs are inspired by the classical generative adversarial networks (GANs), which are composed of two competing neural networks: There are two…

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Virtual reality (VR) and extended reality (AR) are two technologies that can create immersive and interactive learning experiences for students and teachers. VR permits users to enter a virtual world that simulates a different reality. Such as a historical era, a fantasy land, or a distant planet. Users can explore and interact with the virtual environment using headsets, controllers, or gloves. AR, on the other hand, overlays digital information on top of the natural world, such as images, texts, or sounds. Users can view and manipulate augmented reality using smartphones, tablets, or glasses. AR can enhance the perception and understanding…

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Cybersecurity mesh is a new security framework that addresses the challenges of securing modern organizations’ expanding and diverse IT infrastructures. It is a composable, flexible, and scalable approach that involves security controls for any asset, regardless of location or network perimeter. Cybersecurity mesh offers a solution that can adapt to the changing needs and risks of the distributed IT environment. It allows organizations to apply security policies and controls to any asset, regardless of where it is located or accessed. It also provides security tools to interoperate and collaborate through several layers, such as identity fabric, policy management, and security…

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In 2024, NewJeans emerged as the most popular K-pop girl group, captivating fans worldwide with their unique style, innovative music, and engaging personalities. This rapid rise to stardom was no accident but the result of careful planning, immense talent, and strategic choices. From their formation to their breakthrough hits and savvy use of social media, NewJeans set new standards in the industry. Let’s delve into this article to explore the key factors that contributed to their unprecedented rise to fame, delving into the elements that set them apart from their peers. Early Beginnings and Formation NewJeans was formed in 2022…

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The Fallout TV show, based on the popular video game series, is one of the best video game adaptations ever made. With a 94% Critic Score and an 87% Average Audience Score on Rotten Tomatoes, the show has been a hit with both general audiences and gamers. IGN, a well-known video game news site, gave it a 9/10, praising it as “A bright and funny apocalypse filled with dark punchlines and bursts of ultra-violence, Fallout stands up there with The Final of Us among the best game transformations ever made.” Hollywood has long struggled with the “Video Game Curse,” a…

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The User feedback is the process of collecting and analyzing the opinions, suggestions, and complaints of the users of a mobile app. It can help app developers to understand the needs, preferences, and expectations of their target audience, and to improve the app’s functionality, usability, design, and performance. The User feedback can also help app developers to identify and fix bugs, errors, and glitches, and to enhance the app’s security and reliability. It is essential for mobile app development, as it can help app developers to create apps that are user-friendly, engaging, and satisfying. 1. Why User Feedback Matters for…

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Do you know The Impact of Quantum Computing on Cybersecurity? Quantum computing is a revolutionary technology that promises to solve complex problems beyond the reach of classical computers. However, it also seriously threatens the current cybersecurity systems that protect our digital communications and data. In this article, we will explore how quantum computing works, how it can break existing encryption methods, and how we can prepare for the future of quantum cybersecurity. What is Quantum Computing, and How Does It Work? Quantum computing is based on the principles of quantum mechanics, which describe the behavior of subatomic particles such as…

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Do you know 5G Technology: Challenges, Opportunities, and Innovations? The fifth generation of mobile technology, or 5G, is the latest standard for cellular networks that promises to deliver unprecedented speed, capacity, and connectivity. 5G is expected to support various use cases, such as virtual and augmented reality, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, smart cities, and autonomous vehicles. 5G is also expected to significantly impact various sectors, such as healthcare, education, entertainment, manufacturing, and transportation. However, 5G is more than just an incremental improvement over the previous generations of wireless networks. It is a disruptive and revolutionary technology…

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